I’m again at a cafe, and love it in here. Several other people have been humming with the Christmas music. The couple just a few seats down from me accidentally turned on music from their iPad, and couldn’t figure out how to turn it off. It was probably a new machine for them. They came over to me after laughing and blushing, and asked me to shut the music off. When we get happy, it is like a magnet. There was a man sitting between us, on an iPad, yet that couple chose to bypass him and ask me for help. Another happy interaction.
I would love to be in cafes every day. As I say that, I think about it a little more. When I make decisions about committing to a continual habit, it’s important to look at how it will add up.
1. How much rice milk, soymilk or sugar will I consume if I have a drink at a cafe every day? The drink I almost always choose at cafes is an unsweetened iced black or green tea, with an inch of “milk” on the top to add a creamy taste. I prefer rice milk, but often the only milk alternative available is soymilk, which is always sweetened. I’m not a fan of soy products. Soy is messing with the hormones of so many men, women, and children. The truth about soy over-consumption is out, but it’s still not widely recognized.
2. How much time will I use commuting to that cafe? Most cafes are only a walk away for me, but it still takes time, and as much as a half hour round trip. I could consider the walk my exercise and thinking time.
3. Will my productivity go up, or will the other people in the room distract me?
People I know keep walking by this window and smiling at me. I’ve had many other opportunities to help people today. Strangers have asked me questions, and I have had the answers. It’s also like everything that’s placed in front of me today is for my own enjoyment, such as people cleaning with squeegees. (I love watching things get cleaned with squeegees.)
Here’s what I’ve learned that is so huge. The answer to everything that you want (like if your questions are “How can I find a fulfilling career?” “How can I make more money?” or “How can I find the love of my life?”) is this:
From a happy state of mind, you will make the best choices, and those will pull that goal toward you.
Ava Waits is an inspirational speaker, business mentor, and author. She believes that making money should feel like bliss, and that your professional life should bend to your itinerary. Clients worldwide have used Ava’s processes to release financial constriction and bring more business opportunities and income into their lives.
Prior to supporting businesses, Ava ran an international nutrition coaching company, where she guided professionals to stay healthy while traveling the world for work and leisure. She provided workshop audiences and clients with natural support for digestion, immunity, and happiness, and also taught Traveling Healthy in Europe classes for travel television host Rick Steves.
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© 2011 Ava Waits