Mt Ranier by plane


We have an international group of women coming together for 30 Days to Release Your Financial Constriction! They are from Europe, from around the United States, and from Australia. It was always a dream of mine to work with clients all over the world, and I still celebrate when one of 7 billion people finds my work and decides to join me.


Some of you have asked me how you can start working with international clientele, and here’s how:
1. Join group programs and masterminds that include a wide variety of other entrepreneurs, from all parts of the globe.
2. Stay in touch with everyone from the group through social media.
3. Get to know all of the other members (have Skype conversations, phone calls, meet up in person when you can).
4. Find a way to cross-promote your business with theirs. You could host a teleclass together, or interview an international colleague. This will get you in front of an international audience of potential clients that they have already gathered for you!!!
5. Invite that audience to hire you for a service or program that you can deliver to through the phone, on Skype, or an online platform.
6. And voila, you are now working with clients from around the world!


Will you be joining us in 30 Days to Release Your Financial Constriction?
We begin on Wednesday, September 10th, and registration is open through September 16th.


Working in Berne, Switzerland

Working in Berne, Switzerland


One of my clients, Amanda Neill, flew in from Austria last winter for a half VIP Day.



© 2014 Ava Waits

Ava Waits supports entrepreneurs and aspiring speakers to feed the source of their success, and enjoy a professional life that bends to their itinerary. She loves to help business owners use high-vibrational marketing techniques that attract clients and opportunities to them, literally because of their glowing presence, personality and joyful appreciation for exactly where they are right now.

Clients worldwide have used Ava’s processes to release financial constriction and bring more business opportunities, love, and income into their lives. For more information, to view article archives, and to schedule a Strategy Session to discuss your business visions, please visit