

A few weeks ago, during my visit to the Hindu Monastery (where my little brother lives), I heard a brief story about rice, poop, and a golden temple. It’s a message about money that I’d love to share with you.

There is a golden temple being built out of stunning materials, and although the temple itself is beautiful, many people are outraged at the ornate features of the site.
They wonder why so much money is being spent on the construction of a gold temple, when that money could instead be used to feed the local people who live in poverty.

file0001234500636The monk I was listening went on to explain that if rice was given to all of the people in need, in just one day, that rice would turn to poop, and then everyone would be hungry again. The rice was a temporary fix, but the temple was being built to provide inspiration and guidance for years.

It immediately made me think about this message:

“Give a person a fish, and you feed them for a day.

Teach a person how to fish, and you feed them for a lifetime.”

This is exactly what you are learning to do through your business right now. You are figuring out how to create more income and joy, and once you are well acquainted with these skills, they can last your entire lifetime.



While listening to the story, I was also reminded of the importance of illustrating the lifetime value of our services when we speak to our potential clients. People must be able to see how your support will let them access their long-term desires.

Perhaps by working with you, they will:
~ Switch careers and feel deeply fulfilled in their new professional lives
~ Find the romantic partner that will cherish them for years
~ Come to a weight that is perfect for their body, and never put on excess pounds again
~ Save thousands of dollars at the dentist because of what you taught them about natural dental care
~ Not become diabetic, even though they were pre-diabetic for years
~ No longer get debilitating headaches
~ Repair a broken relationship with a family member, and then enjoy a long friendship with this person
~ Use their growing intuitive powers to start up a successful business of their own
~ And so much more


It is my intention to provideDSCI0172 you with inspiration and guidance for your business, and to share the skills that will bring you money (and plenty of rice) in the years to come.

If this is what you are searching for, I invite you to reach out to [email protected] to inquire about working together.