Once, I was convinced that I needed to fly to Los Angeles to attend a conference that I knew would attract many ideal potential clients.
But….nothing seemed to be working out. The conference organizers didn’t need any more volunteers at the event in exchange for free entry, the money for my flight and hotel didn’t seem to be there, and I was frustrated at how things were unfolding.
Going to Los Angeles did not seem to be the “path of least resistance,” but yet I couldn’t shake the thought from my mind….until this helped me make my decision:
Ava Waits is an inspirational speaker, business mentor, sales trainer, and author of the forthcoming book, A Woman‘sTreasure: Grow A Business Where Making Money Feels Like Bliss. She believes that making money should feel like bliss, and through her work, she provides innovative sales and marketing guidance to entrepreneurs and companies worldwide.
As a speaker, Ava has been interviewed on television and radio, and has been invited around the country to inspire and train audiences at business events, women’s organizations, and financial companies. She has presented at Rick Steves Europe, United Way, the Women’s Day of Empowerment, Mother Earth News, the National Association of Professional Mortgage Women, and many others.
Find out more about Ava at www.AvaWaits.com.