After returning from Maui, I decided it was time to completely pay off my leftover educational and business debt.
The debt added up from little things I’d purchased on credit cards in my 20’s. Educational expenses, investments in business training and conferences where I learned a lot of valuable information, plus a few random items that I chose to put on my credit cards.
I let the debt linger for years, because I had other priorities that I wanted to use my income for. I was very appreciative of my credit cards, and haven’t felt guilt about this borrowed money, because I always knew there would be a time when I’d be excited to completely pay it off. I often encourage my clients to remove some of their emotions around money (like fear, stress, and guilt), because when you do, you can think clearly, and look at finances as one big game. Kind of like a math equation. If you have a full-time business or business on the side, you’re always able to create money when you need it. Over the past few months, I’ve been playing the game of paying off all of my debt, and I’m nearly there!
To do all of this, I decided that instead of reducing expenses, I would work more. You don’t always have to work “more” to make more money, but that’s how things have unfolded for me. So here I am, working about 5.5 to 6 days a week, on a variety of work contracts. It won’t be this full forever, but for the moment, I am happy to focus in on the work. If you haven’t seen me for a while, this is why. I’ve chosen income opportunities that have been very healing, have allowed me to meet hundreds of joyful entrepreneurs, and have even led me to interact with several massive celebrities.
I’ve also lived more simply this year, but not to the point where I feel hungry or deprived. Instead of overseas trips, I’ve traveled locally on a few little road trips (sunbathing in Crescent Bar, Washington was a highlight! Plus a concert at The Gorge, cabin getaway in Chelan, and a road trip to Cannon Beach, Oregon). I’m beginning to plan more overseas travel for 2019. Whenever I head to Seattle for work, I pack as much food as I can, so that I don’t have to rely on restaurants. The iPhone I started buying almost 2 years ago is completely paid off, so each of my cell phone bills is much less per month than they’ve ever been.

An evening of salsa dancing with my friend Kate Burkett of Kate in Paradise

Getting ready for a concert at The Gorge in Eastern Washington
Another one of my guidelines was that I didn’t want paying this debt to keep me from enjoying a quality life, and this is something I’ve had to practice every day. I’m not always perfect at giving myself time to replenish between work projects, but I try. Currently, having silence is more important to me than going to networking events. Replenishing evenings take priority over meeting a ton of new people. I spend days straight on the phone with clients while my mini dachshund sleeps by my side. My close friends are aware of my debt repayment project, and they know we’ll get to see each other more when my goal has been met.

My dachshund snuggles with me while I’m on most of my client calls during the week.
Because I’ve been working so much, I also stopped using my time on many of the marketing pathways I once focused on in business. I haven’t sent out a newsletter in months because I realized that newsletters aren’t actually where most of my income opportunities and entrepreneurial clients come from. I know this because even months after pausing my newsletters, I had excited entrepreneurs reach out to hire me for business guidance. Since I’m working a lot right now, I also don’t have as much “brain space” to think up as many new marketing ideas, or to craft a variety of interesting social media posts.
But you know what?
That is totally okay.
At the moment, all of these adjustments are worth it to me as I work, work, work toward my financial goals. And once the debt is gone, the next profits I make will go to a variety of extremely fun rewards in 2019.

Ava speaking at Global Entrepreneurship Week in Maui, Hawai’i
© Copyright 2019 Ava Waits
Ava Waits is an inspirational speaker, business mentor, sales trainer, and author of the forthcoming book, A Woman‘sTreasure: Grow A Business Where Making Money Feels Like Bliss. She believes that making money should feel like bliss, and through her work, she provides innovative sales and marketing guidance to entrepreneurs and companies worldwide.
As a speaker, Ava has been interviewed on television and radio, and has been invited around the country to inspire and train audiences at business events, women’s organizations, and financial companies. She has presented at Rick Steves Europe, United Way, the Women’s Day of Empowerment, Mother Earth News, the National Association of Professional Mortgage Women, and many others.
Find out more about Ava at www.AvaWaits.com.