One thing that may (and most likely will) happen for you as you grow your business, is that you will make more money than some of the people you are close to.
While it can be exciting to have the extra money, I’ve noticed that some entrepreneurs begin to block themselves right around the same income level that their family and friends earn. It doesn’t feel safe to move past this level of income, and so they remain stuck.
Perhaps when you added up your income from last year, you found that you are at a similar income level to someone you care about. Or maybe you already make more money than a family member does, and it’s uncomfortably shifting your relationship with them.
If you are feeling any discomfort about making more than your friends and family, I have something to share with you. It’s a practice that will help you feel more at ease as your income grows. After all, the more income you create, the better quality of life you can enjoy with the people you love. That’s why it’s so important to remove these internal blocks, and then let more money in.
1. Begin by first making a list of your close family members and friends. By each of their names, list out how you think each person may respond to you, when you double your income this year, or start earning more than they do. For each person, write down what negative and/or positive reactions you assume they will have.
Yes, you are making assumptions about how they’ll act, and for the sake of this exercise, that’s perfectly fine. Go ahead and assume.
2. Next, circle all of the reactions on that list that most scare you. Do you worry that a friend may stop talking to you when you make double the amount of money they make? Do you think an important family member will disown you, or abandon you, as your income grows? Is someone going to try to publicly embarrass you, because your success brings up their insecurities?
It’s the scary thoughts you have circled that are holding you back from receiving more money in your business.
3. Finally, work with a coach, mentor, and/or therapist to deactivate the way that you react to the reactions you assume your friends and family will have as your income grows. Come to a calm point where you can feel the love around you (and the love you have for yourself), despite whatever reactions people may have to your flourishing business.
Once your fear of other people’s reactions subsides, it will become easier to move forward and let more money in.
© 2014 Ava Waits
Ava Waits supports entrepreneurs and aspiring speakers to feed the source of their success, and enjoy a professional life that bends to their itinerary. She loves to help business owners use high-vibrational marketing techniques that attract clients and opportunities to them, literally because of their glowing presence, personality and joyful appreciation for exactly where they are right now.
Clients worldwide have used Ava’s processes to release financial constriction and bring more business opportunities, love, and income into their lives. For more information, to view article archives, and to schedule a Strategy Session to discuss your business visions, please visit