Lately, I’m hearing quite a bit about other people taking (some might even refer to it as “stealing”) content from another person, repackaging it, and reselling it. It made me think about a few things.

First, stealing another person’s intellectual property isn’t cool.

Second, I also realize that it’s common for similar ideas to pop into the minds of several people at once (have you noticed how, all of a sudden, multiple people are inventing the same thing, at the same time, and they live in different places all around the world?!) With this in mind, I know that other people are teaching ideas and concepts similar to my own, and perhaps were inspired by something I shared. I also teach several basic concepts that I have learned from others, as well as the ideas that magically pop into my mind.

What I’ve also noticed is that there is a lot of the same wording being re-used these days: “heart-centered,” “grace and ease”… Even I feel that “wellness” is way too broad of a term to be used in the health field.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAIt’s not to say that you can’t ever use these words, but I believe that you are missing out if you don’t take the opportunity to truly differentiate yourself through the language you use in business. It’s important to create your own wording and phrases around what you do. For example, over the years I developed (sometimes with the support of a mentor) many of my own concepts, like: “releasing financial constriction,” “building a professional life that bends to your itinerary,” and “feeding the source of your success”…

But always remember that there is something that NO ONE ELSE has.

And it can’t be taken from you.

That is your personal story.

You have one, and I have one, and in the end, it’s these stories that will set us all apart.


This is the story I teach from:

I was a poor girl (food stamps, charity, no hot running water until age 13) who was living in a community full of wealth (this is a place where you can take a walk on a dirt driveway, and have a Tesla S and a Porsche drive by – no joke, it’s happened to me, with both cars). I was gifted with wealth all the time, but always felt “poor” inside.

When I started a business of my own, I didn’t realize that I still had this mindset of a poor girl, which made creating money pretty difficult. However, two years into my business, I began to learn about Universal laws of prosperity, and soon came to have a deep trust that I am truly taken care of. With this shift came money, but more than that, it has given me contentment.

I also understand that growing up as a “poor girl” in this wealthy community happened by no accident. I was meant to ride in that $6,000 first class flight, to travel outside of the country nearly every year, to borrow mansions, to find the exquisite pleasure of a simple picnic  ~ All so I could show YOU how to experience your own version of wealth.

Ava Dances at Grand Wailea

With all this said, I vow to share even more of my story with you from now on. And I hope you’ll do the same.


© 2014 Ava Waits

Ava Waits supports entrepreneurs and aspiring speakers Ava smiles in Pasadena smallto feed the source of their success, and enjoy a professional life that bends to their itinerary. She loves to help business owners use high-vibrational marketing techniques that attract clients and opportunities to them, literally because of their glowing presence, personality and joyful appreciation for exactly where they are right now.

Clients worldwide have used Ava’s processes to release financial constriction and bring more business opportunities, love, and income into their lives. For more information, to view article archives, and to schedule a Strategy Session to discuss your business visions, please visit

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