This morning, I witnessed magic. My iPod alarm went off, and I decided to lay in bed for a while and listen to music as a way to awake on this chilly and foggy morning. I pressed the “on” button, and without doing anything else, the teachings of Abraham Hicks came through the speakers. The section of the recording that played is not already saved on the iPod. It wasn’t coming from the internet connection either, because it hadn’t been switched on yet. I laid in bed, laughing, and listening, while thinking, “This must be pretty important for me to hear.”
There was time to play at the Farmers Market earlier in the day. I brought home absolutely gorgeous food, including a pear with a leaf artistically attached to the stem. The escarole, which is similar in taste and texture to lettuce (but can tolerate colder months), was beautiful, and made a great salad.
Tonight, my friend fed me with photos from her recent trip through Northern Italy and the French countryside. The photos were rich with scenes of gelato shops, outdoor markets, baby pigs, and vineyards. My favorite gelato I’ve ever had was cantaloupe from a shop under the towers in Bologna, Italy.
It seems like the one thing that takes me out of this wonderful feeling is boredom. If I have to wait for a half an hour between projects, or get stuck and don’t know what to choose next, that is when I find myself dipping. My mind works very quickly, and I’m always buzzing with ideas, so silence can be difficult for me. It will be interesting to see how, by the end of this month, I have put a practice in place to take me quickly out of any dips. I’d love to hear how you quickly turn around your boredom, so please share through facebook. Thanks!
Ava Waits is an inspirational speaker, business mentor, and author. She believes that making money should feel like bliss, and that your professional life should bend to your itinerary. Clients worldwide have used Ava’s processes to release financial constriction and bring more business opportunities and income into their lives.
Prior to supporting businesses, Ava ran an international nutrition coaching company, where she guided professionals to stay healthy while traveling the world for work and leisure. She provided workshop audiences and clients with natural support for digestion, immunity, and happiness, and also taught Traveling Healthy in Europe classes for travel television host Rick Steves.
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