
30 Days of Wonderful™ in December ~ Day 5

A week ago, Dylan and I went out to Indian food. We decided that to move over to Europe, we must put aside $50,000 as a cushion of money to make the leap. Interestingly, the day before that meal, I had written down $50,000 as part of current goals I am creating....

30 Days of Wonderful™ in December ~ Day 4

My body wanted to sleep in on this Sunday morning.  Dylan and I went out to The Bread Peddler in Olympia to eat breakfast. I fall so easily into food meditation there, which lasted for an hour after we left. The owner of this cafe pours coffee with such a grace that I...

30 Days of Wonderful™ in December ~ Day 3

This morning, I witnessed magic. My iPod alarm went off, and I decided to lay in bed for a while and listen to music as a way to awake on this chilly and foggy morning. I pressed the “on” button, and without doing anything else, the teachings of Abraham...