by Ava | Dec 20, 2011 | 30 Days of Wonderful™
The wonderful things from today: 1. I feel very supported and appreciated by my Mastermind group of 134 members. I send you all so much love as my year with you comes to a close. 2. Quarters keep showing up in my pockets, and when they do, I plop them in my antique...
by Ava | Dec 19, 2011 | 30 Days of Wonderful™
I’m sitting here with the most delicious vegan chocolate truffle. It makes me melt just like the inner chocolate core melts. It’s past 1am on the night after the 17th as I begin writing this post, and I haven’t felt like sleeping yet. I just...
by Ava | Dec 19, 2011 | 30 Days of Wonderful™
Last night, I slid into a conversation about the things I love and will do the next time I am in New York City. I recommend doing this for any part of the planet that you intend to be at again soon, because it helps you “feel” being there. Here is...
by Ava | Dec 18, 2011 | 30 Days of Wonderful™
I took a bath in the middle of my workday. It kind of makes me feel rebellious, like I should have been working, but work began 2 hours early today, because I absolutely had to finish something for a teleclass I will be on in January. When I came to a dip in my...
by Ava | Dec 16, 2011 | 30 Days of Wonderful™
Awesome parts of today: 1. New money is showing up! I just received confirmation of this in the morning. 2. I bought new tea this week (organic rooibos and green jasmine) and absolutely love to sip tea on my cozy bed. It’s so fun to have new flavors. 3. One of...
by Ava | Dec 14, 2011 | 30 Days of Wonderful™
Here is what is so wonderful about today: 1. I woke up at 5:30am this morning! A few years ago, it was rare for me to rise before 9 or 10am, and 7am used to be a stretch. Today I had the energy to last until a late bedtime at midnight. 2. A colleague that I...