
30 Days of Wonderful™ in December ~ Day 3

This morning, I witnessed magic. My iPod alarm went off, and I decided to lay in bed for a while and listen to music as a way to awake on this chilly and foggy morning. I pressed the “on” button, and without doing anything else, the teachings of Abraham...

The Intimacy of Food

If you celebrate the American Thanksgiving this week, you will choose the food that you will share with your body. Each time you chew and swallow a piece of your meal, you are giving that food permission to become a part of who you are. It integrates into your skin,...

This Vegetarian Ate Gelatin After a Health Scare

There are 2 sides to gelatin. When made from safe ingredients, gelatin can be very healing and help renew tissue and bones in our body. When made in mass production, gelatin from animal parts may deliver extra toxins. As a pesco-vegetarian (who only eats fish products...